Tim Howard has always been an in-your-face person. Even from the start of his career with the MetroStars in Major League Soccer, Howard had a fire that this generation of USMNT players lacks. To many, Howard is the most athletic goalkeeper the USMNT has ever had.

The Everton legend, upon retiring from the game, has turned to being a pundit. In England, he writes a column in the Daily Mail where he usually shares his thoughts on soccer in the United States.

This time, Howard turned his attention to NFL star Tyreek Hill, calling the Miami Dolphins star “arrogant” over what, in his view, could have been an avoided incident with Miami-Dade Police.

Tim Howard on Tyreek Hill

In his column, Howard wrote: “Let’s be clear: this whole incident was brought on by Tyreek. If you break the law, if you do something dumb, have a little bit of respect and humility.

Tyreek Hill was detained by the Miami PD prior to the game vs. Jaguars

“If you screw up, if you drive recklessly without your seatbelt on, then – at a bare minimum – approach the officer with courtesy and roll your window down. If you don’t do that? If you resist? Problems happen.”

Howard also went on to call out the NFL and its people for standing by Hill, who, in his eyes, was in the wrong, while leaving Colin Kaepernick behind.

“The very people that blackballed Colin Kaepernick. He took a knee in protest against police brutality. We are hearing that same message after Hill was handcuffed. Apparently, it’s now okay to protect the players. But still not Colin Kaepernick.

“I support the fight to end police brutality against the African-American community. I like good cops and I hate bad cops…I like good cops, though. And the fact of the matter is: they are in a position of authority. Sure, they abuse that position at times. But I do respect good police and good law enforcement.”