James Harden has been the man of the hour around the NBA for the past couple of weeks and not for the best reasons. First, his desire to leave the Houston Rockets was all over the news, then, him holding out of practice to party in Las Vegas caused plenty of controversies, and now, his shape ahead of the start of the season has left a lot to be desired.

We all know that Harden likes to have a good time when he's off the clock. Then again, he showed up to the Rockets' training camp looking massive and most people just can't understand how he put up so much weight in just a couple of months.

Harden's belly has been a subject of controversy ies for the past couple of years and him showing up kind of bulked up to the start of the season is now a common trend. Then again, it seems like this time he just crossed the line.

That's why people around the world even thought that the pictures posted of Harden on Twitter were fake of edits, as no one could fathom just how much weight he had put up in little-to-no time. Check out the funniest memes and reactions here.


Who's That? Funniest Memes And Reactions From Fat James Harden

Obviously, there's no need to body-shame no one, and being overweight is nothing to make jokes about. Nonetheless, when you're an NBA superstar making tens of millions of dollars per year, people would expect that you'd take care of your body, especially with the start of the season just around the corner.

This kind of behavior is why some people still doubt James Harden's drive, will, and determination to compete at the highest level and win an NBA championship. Hopefully, he'll put basketball first and foremost before it's too late.