The Los Angeles Lakers don’t stand a chance to make the playoffs without LeBron James; it’s as simple as that. It doesn’t matter how many pieces they added; they won’t be able to get the job done without their best player.

Anthony Davis will need to step up big timeand turn back the clock to play like he did during his days with the New Orleans Pelicans. Hopefully, that’ll be enough to get a couple of wins while James works his way back to the court.

But when could that be? We don’t really have that much information about James’ statusother than that he’s expected to miss several weeks. Fortunately,famous sports injury analyst Dr. Evan Jeffries thinks he could be back sooner rather than later.

NBA Rumors: LeBron James Could Be Back In Three Weeks

“Typically when you see those types of injuries, and you hear, ‘I feel a pop,’ you’re thinking that there’s gotta be some sort of tear,” Jeffries told Lakers Daily. That’s why immediately I’m thinking either plantar fascia tear, and then you figure midfoot. Lisfranc is considered midfoot, but it’s obviously most severe. Those are the concerning areas for me.”

“Plantar fascia tear, they’re interesting because you need time to heal, but you can play through them,” said Jeffries.“If it’s a midfoot, plantar, don’t see him coming back anything less than three weeks.”

“Even for the A.D. injury, they had to wait like seven days to get proper imaging for the swelling to go down,” said Jeffries. “Some of the Lisfranc stuff you can’t see right away on the X-ray unless it’s severe.”

However, that would be the best-case scenario. According to Jeffries, a grade-three injury would require James to sit out for months and even potentially have surgery, so let’s just hope for the best here.