Sometimes it can be hard for an athlete not to miss the good old days. Winning titles, receiving love from the fans and being praised by the media are great things an NBA player can experience, but they don’t always last forever.

If not, just ask Dwight Howard. Though he still found a way to make headlines from Taiwan, he struggled to find a place in the league lately. Back in the day, any team would have taken him.

Unfortunately, those days are gone, and now he misses them. In an interview with Shams Charania, Howard admitted he would love to be back in the NBA and even try to win another ring.

Dwight Howard wishes NBA return

“I would love to come back to play in the NBA,” Howard said. “I do enjoy playing international basketball. Just the experience is one of a kind. It’s a different type of grind of being in the NBA, and I had a chance to experience it.

But I would love to finish off my career with an NBA team, hopefully, win an NBA championship. But if not, I enjoyed playing basketball for so long, and I’m just thankful that I’ve had the opportunity to travel and play in the NBA. It’s the best life.”

Howard won a championship with the Los Angeles Lakers in the 2020 bubble. It’s been a while since then, but he’s still active and hoping to be part of a championship team again.