A few days ago the final of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 was played, so teams from all over the world are ready to return to activity. One of those that must return is the MLS, the most important in the United States and one of the best in Concacaf. Here we tell you when this competition will resume.

Qatar 2022 was played on a totally unusual date for what World Cups are. Historically, it was played during the summer months between May and August depending on the year, although in recent editions the most common thing was that it took place between June and July, that is, during the recess of the main leagues in the world.

This year, however, it took place between November 20 and December 18. In other words, in the middle of the season, which forced the suspension of many leagues that must be resumed. And of course, the United States league is one of those waiting for its restart after Qatar 2022.

When does MLS resume?

Unlike the European leagues where the season starts in the middle of the year and ends in the middle of the next year, the MLS starts in the first months of the year and ends in the last, but always within the same year. That is why the season in the American League was not interrupted, and in fact the next one will start on February 25, 2023.