Iñigo Martínez is one of Barcelonas central defenders and was leaving the club’s practice on Monday when a group of teenage fans thought it was a good idea to insult him while he was leaving the club.

Apparently, a young fan yelled at Iñigo Martínez that he was “stupid”, it resulted in the 32-year-old defender slamming the brakes on his Range Rover and getting out, getting in the young man’s face.

The teenager almost immediately pointed to his friend holding a cellphone, who was filming the whole incident, and was lost for words as Martínez did not hold back.

Iñigo Martínez threatens young fan

When Iñigo Martínez got out of his car he pointed his finger in the young man’s face and told him “Who are you calling stupid? It’s the last time you call me stupid, THE LAST TIME!”. The young fan could be made out saying “… last time…” signifying that there could have been a previous incident.

Martínez also points to the fan holding the cellphone and reiterates, “it’s the last time you insult me, you and your friend”.

Seeing some of the comments posted by young Argentine journalist Valentín Torres Erwerle, apparently many of these “fans” hang around Barcelona’s training center seeking autographs to then sell online. When they don’t get their way, these autograph seekers turn to insults.

Lionel Messi famously was signing autographs while leaving a Barcelona training session when a person holding a cellphone asked for him to sign memorabilia, a bewildered Messi looked at the man and told him, “What’s wrong with you? How many days are you going to come here looking for the same autograph?”.