The prelude to the grand final of the Champions League is brimming with anticipation and excitement. As fans eagerly await the clash between Real Madrid and Borussia Dortmund, the spotlight turns to the captivating spectacle that will set the stage for this epic showdown.

The pre-match festivities promise to be nothing short of spectacular, as fans gear up for a thrilling display of talent and entertainment. With the world’s eyes fixed firmly on the prestigious Champions League final, the pre-match extravaganza serves as a fitting tribute to the magnitude of the occasion.

While Real Madrid and Borussia Dortmund prepare to do battle on the pitch, fans will have the chance to make the wait much more enjoyable with musical shows that promise to live up to this great event.

The performers for the Champions League final show

The acclaimed rock singer Lenny Kravitz will take the stage for the pre-show of the Champions League final. The American composer has promised “a good time, some music, some celebration of life and rock ‘n roll.”

American artist Lenny Kravitz – IMAGO / ZUMA Wire

Kravitz also drew an intriguing parallel between soccer and music, stating, “Both are forms of art; you have to be born with that talent. You can cultivate it, but you have to be born with it.” Furthermore, he emphasized the unifying power of sports and music, saying, “Sport brings people together. And, for me, that’s what it’s all about.”