Kyle Kuzma has quickly become the most polarizing figure around the NBA. However, it seems like the balance is turning towards the criticism more and more as he continues to establish his presence around the league.

Some people believe that Kuzma isn’t nearly half as good as he thinks he is and that he’s vastly overpaid. Others think that he’s exactly the kind of player the Los Angeles Lakers need and that he’s on a bargain deal.

Perhaps none of them are right and the truth is somewhere around the middle. What is a fact is that Kuzma has become the most picked on guy when it comes to the NBA community on Twitter.

Kendrick Perkins Says Kyle Kuzma Couldn’t Guard A Parked Car

As a matter of fact, even former NBA player turned analyst Kendrick Perkins had the audacity to call out Kuzma for his defense, hilariously claiming that he and Denver’s Michael Porter Jr couldn’t guard a parked car:

“I don’t know who gets picked on more out of Michael Porter JR. or Kyle Kuzma…but both Can’t Guard A Parked Car!!! Carry on…” the former NBA Champion said on Twitter, adding that he’s not a hater and that the fact is that Kuzma is a defensive liability:

“Hater? Nah I’m speaking facts…he can get a bucket but on the defensive end he’s a liability!!! At the end of the day I said what I said homeboy,” the controversial big man replied to a disgruntled fan.

To be fair, Kyle Kuzma has made great strides in the defensive end over the past couple of seasons. Perhaps he’ll never be a plus defender, but he’s vastly improved as a help defender and on-ball stopper. Then again, you can’t deny that this analogy of guarding a parked carwas simply hysterical.

SURVEY Is Kuzma a bad defender?

Is Kuzma a bad defender?
