Basketball fans tend to compare a lot players or teams, but when the likes of Michael Jordan or Stephen Curry get involved in the conversation, things definitely become more interesting.

The Chicago Bulls legend, winner of the six NBA Finals he played in, has made a strong case to be considered the greatest of all time – though that’s a tag others believe that belongs to LeBron James.

Steph, meanwhile, has also cemented a legacy in the league by leading the Golden State Warriors to multiple championships. Curry even called himself the best point guard of all time, but MJ seems to disagree.

What did Stephen Curry say?

Yes. It’s me and Magic [Johnson] is that the conversation? Obviously I have to answer that way. […] So put me on my own team, Imma rep myself for sure,” Curry told Gilbert Arenas when asked if he was the best point guard of all time.

“I really feel like, to your point, Magic’s resume is ridiculous. The fact that we’re even having that conversation is a place I never thought I’d be in. But to your point, that’s why we’re having conversations because it’s fun. And it’s measuring eras against each other. That’s why people watch. That’s why people get in heated debates about it. I love it.”

What did Michael Jordan say after Curry declared himself best PG ever?

It didn’t take long for Jordan to fire back. In his First Take TV show on ESPN, Stephen A. Smith read live a message supposedly sent by MJ in response to Curry’s comments:

“Good morning, sir. Although greatest of anything is always a debate, I beg to differ on greatest point guard of all-time…Magic Johnson is easily the best point guard of all-time. Steph Curry is very close but not in front of Magic. You must define point guard to really have a serious debate. Steph Curry is by far the best shooter of all-time…but Magic Johnson invented the triple-double…it’s a point guard stat to be honest, Magic was the best.”