Coach Goran Ivanisevic, in a candid response to media rumors, dispels any notion of tension between him and Novak Djokovic during matches. He highlights that media reports often exaggerate Djokovic’s emotional expressions on the court, particularly when he vents his frustrations towards the coaching box. Ivanisevic emphasizes that such outbursts are merely a release of emotions and not a source of discord between them.

Familiar scenes of Djokovic shouting towards his coach or the box during moments of frustration have occasionally been misinterpreted by the media as heated arguments. However, Ivanisevic clears the air by asserting that he can barely hear Djokovic’s remarks amidst the roaring crowds and vast tennis courts. He attributes such emotional displays as Djokovic’s way of channeling his competitive spirit and releasing built-up tension.

“That’s nonsense. First of all, I can’t hear half of what he says. These are huge courts, the crowd is shouting and you can’t hear. It doesn’t bother me, it’s emotions, he has to get it out somehow. It’s constantly reported, ‘he shouted again, this again, that again…’We’ve talked a million times and I don’t have a problem with it at all. I was also a tennis player once, sometimes it’s difficult to say a technical thing in two seconds. What’s important is that he plays as well as he possibly can,” Ivanisevic expressed in an interview with Sportske Novosti.

Djokovic’s US Open Preparations On Track

Following a well-deserved break after Wimbledon, Novak Djokovic’s US Open preparations are back in full swing. Goran Ivanisevic provided insights into Djokovic’s training, which include a gradual return to fitness and subsequent on-court practice, setting the stage for the upcoming North American swing.

“He had a bit of a break, but now the preparations for the US tour are starting. Preparations begin at the end of the week, he’s slowly starting with the fitness, and then the tennis. I don’t know exactly, the week after, mid-next month, he will leave for Cincinnati”, Ivanisevic said about how Djokovic is preparing for the last Grand Slam of the season.

As Djokovic gears up for the US Open, his initial focus centers on the Cincinnati Masters, scheduled to commence on August 13th. Ivanisevic confirms the starting point of Djokovic’s hard court summer, opting for Cincinnati instead of the Toronto Masters. Djokovic’s participation in the Cincinnati Masters will pave the way for his much-awaited return to the US Open stage.