If you are part of the Millenials or even Generation Z, the name Tony Hawk will surely take you back to those years of your childhood and adolescence, plagued by afternoons trying to replicate his tricks either with a skateboard or in front of a video game console.

The American Tony Hawk was responsible for taking Skateboarding to another level, even democratizing it worldwide, both with the launch of a series of video games with his name and with his constant presence in television shows, such as The Simpsons and Sesame Street, and also in movies.

However, the achievements of the man also known as Birdman are not limited to a merely commercial aspect. In June 1999, for example, he became the first skateboarder to land a 900, a complex skateboard trick that involves executing two-and-a-half mid-air revolutions.

The message Father Time has sent to Tony Hawk

Since 2003, Tony Hawk retired from professional skateboarding. However, as can be seen through his social networks, he continues to practice his beloved sport. However, it is an activity with a high level of physical risk.

At 53 years of age, Hawk suffered an accident from which he himself has acknowledged that it will take him a long time to recover: “I broke my elbow 20 years ago and managed to make a full comeback; this recovery for a broken femur will be much harder because of its severity (and my age). But I’m up for the challenge… I’ve said many times that I won’t stop skating until I am physically unable. A broken leg – with plenty of hardware – will probably be the biggest test of that creed. I’ll be back… maybe not at full capacity but I resigned to that notion years ago as I approached ‘mid-life’.” sharedBirdmanto his followers in his Instagram account.

Hawk’s broken leg. (Instagram: @tonyhawk)