Not many people thought the Green Bay Packers had what it took to make the playoffs without Aaron Rodgers. Once again, the NFL proved that there’s nothing certain or written.

In his first season as a starter, Jordan Love threw for 4,159 yards with 32 touchdowns against 11 interceptions. He completed 64.2% of his attempts, and rushed for 247 yards and four scores on the ground.

Then, after his impressive performances in two playoff games, it became fairly evident that the team had found its quarterback for the future. With that in mind, they’ve already begun talks to sign him up for a contract extension.

Packers, Jordan Love Start Contract Extension Talks

“There’s been some, obviously, preliminary discussions,” GM Brian Gutekunst said, as quoted by Ryan Wood of “But we want to do it the right way. And certainly the sooner the better, but at the same time, we want to make sure we do it the right way. So, it’s started. But it’s not something that’s going to go quickly, I don’t think.”

Jordan Love, quarterback of the Green Bay Packers

Jordan Love, quarterback of the Green Bay Packers

The excutive added that this is a long process that’s not exempt of risks, which is why they’re going to take their time. Still, they feel pretty confident about him and their ability to get a deal done:

“In every contract extension, draft pick decision you make, there’s a ton of risk and all that. It’s just part of it,” Gutekunst said. “At the same time, I think the nice thing about having a guy in your building for the last four years is you absolutely know who he is. Again, there’s no guarantees [of] anything going forward. But we know how he’s going to respond, how he’s going to react, how he’s going to work.”

The Packers have a long-withstanding tradition of legendary quarterbacks. And while it might still be early to tell how his career will pan out, Jordan Love definitely looks the part right now.

SURVEY Will Love be a star?

Will Love be a star?