Tony Romo, known for his insightful commentary as an analyst, recently weighed in on the MVP race between Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson, two of the top candidates for the award. According to Romo, while the race is incredibly close, he believes Allen holds a slight advantage.

In an appearance on CBS Sports, Romo stated, “It’s really close, I mean, honestly, it’s a coin flip in a lot of ways.” However, he ultimately gave the edge to Allen due to the team’s overall performance. “I only give the edge to Josh because of the team record, and right now that’s the difference.”

Romo pointed out that Allen’s journey to success has required more effort, while Jackson benefits from playing alongside a talent like Derrick Henry. “Having Derrick Henry does help the process a little bit,” Romo explained, referencing Henry’s 14 touchdowns this season.

Despite favoring Allen, Romo emphasized that a standout performance from Jackson, like his Christmas Day game, could be the key to clinching the MVP. “If Lamar lights it up and has another like Christmas type game, that could sway it.”

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