The Seattle Seahawks were far from competitive last season. For the first time since Russell Wilson entered the National Football League, not only did they fail to make the playoffs but they also had a losing record.

Some people claim that maybe it’s time for the Seahawks to just hit the drawing board and start over. Others believe that Wilson is on the decline and they’d be wise to move on from him while they still can.

Whatever it’s the case, both scenarios pointed out apotential trade for Wilson. Nonetheless, Seahawks’ Head Coach Pete Carroll just confirmed that he’s still a part of the team’s plans going forward.

NFL News:Pete Carroll Says Seattle Seahawks Have No Intention Of Trading Russell Wilson

“At this time of year, there’s conversations about everybody, and it’s commonplace for us to have conversations with teams about all of the players, particularly marquee players,” Carroll said, per “That’s not changed. It’s been the same every year. It’s the same. We have no intention of making any move there. But the conversations,[general manager] John [Schneider] has to field those, he always has. But nothing specific.”

Wilson Wants To Stay In The West Coast

Wilson—who was reportedly angry at the organization before the start of last season— has been tied with a trade to the Washington Commanders. However, as much as he likes the East Coast, he wants to stay put in Seattle:

“Listen, man, I love the east coast but I think the west coast is better for me right now,” Wilson said.“I got my whole family over here so you know, I’m from Richmond. I know what you mean. I got people hitting me up every day, all my friends and all that from the east coast, but Seattle is the place that I am at right now and I love it and it’s great.”

Everything can change in the blink of an eye and the Seahawks may need to get on the field again to realize that it’s time for a rebuild. But for now, it seems like Wilson will stay in Seattle for a little longer.

SURVEY Should the Seahawks trade Wilson?

Should the Seahawks trade Wilson?
