The most important of the 2022 NFL regular season has arrived. The Philadelphia Eagles are looking to clinch the NFC East title, but there are doubts regarding Jalen Hurts and iif he'll be ready to play on Week 17's game against the New Orleans Saints.

The Eagles have been a very strong team this season. They have a very solid defense and a scary ofense with Jalen Hurts under control. Unfortunately, he got injured lately and couldn't help his team in Week 16 against the Dallas Cowboys.

These two last games are vital for the Eagles. They must win in order to get the NFC East title and also look for a better place for the Playoffs, but there's a chance that they couldn't count on Hurts for Week 17.

Will Philadelphia Eagles QB Jalen Hurts play against the Saints in Week 17?

The time has come for the Philadelphia Eagles to give everything they have and fight once again for the Super Bowl. They finally found their elite quarterback after some disastrous seasons in Jalen Hurts, a great player that is giving them really high hopes to get the title this year.

Unfortunately, the quarterback got injured after Week 15's game against the Chicago Bears. His right shoulder, the one he uses to throw, was in pain and doctors ruled him out for Week 16's game against the Cowboys.

But now, things seem to be evolving pretty well.

According to reports, Hurts was a limited participant in Thursday's practice, his first since he got injured. This is great news for him as he could be available for the game against the Saints this Sunday.

It is uncertain if the Eagles would risk him, but it mostly depends on what happens with the Cowboys this Thursday against the Titans. If Dallas win, they could still get the NFC East title, so it is likely that Philadelphia use all their best weapons against New Orleans to win and still be on top of their Division.