Being the greatest in one thing doesn’t mean you’ll be the best in other, and Michael Jordan is living proof of that. He was the greatest player in NBA history, but his days as a baseball player and a team owner left some to be desired.

Moreover, Jordan’s competitive nature has driven some people away over the years. Even Charles Barkley— who said MJ was his best friend— explained how they don’t talk to each other anymore because of his criticism.

That’s why ESPN analyst Stephen A. Smith wanted to defend Jordan from that narrative about him not being able to deal with the critics. Per Smith, the only thing His Airness won’t tolerate is not giving him a chance to explain himself.

NBA News: Stephen A. Smith Gets Real On Michael Jordan

“Michael Jordan is one of these things. It’s a misnomer about him. Because that’s a friend. That’s a brother,” Smith told Howard Stern.“I love Michael Jordan, obviously. And I thank him— anybody associated with basketball should thank Michael Jordan for what he’s done for the game of basketball. People get on him because they think that he can’t take criticism. That is not true. Michael Jordan will cuss me out, or somebody else out, quicker than you can say your name if you blindside him.”

“If you call Michael Jordan, ‘This is how I feel. Here’s why,’ he’s got no problem with you. Give him an opportunity to explain. And, if he has no explanation or he couldn’t reach you, didn’t return your call, or whatever, whatever, he’s very big about that. That’s a complete misnomer about most of these guys,” Smith added.

The other problem with Jordan is that half of the people ten years older than him and most of those who were born after him idolized him, so they’re not exactly objective when it comes to him or his actions.