The GOAT debate between LeBron James and Michael Jordan has been so recurrent that it has transcended the NBA itself. These two have done incredible things during their successful careers but their fans will always argue this is better than that.

Besides former basketball players and people in the media, the question about who the real GOAT is has been asked to other athletes, active or retired. One of those was Cleveland Indians and New York Yankees legend CC Sabathia, who received the question with a little twist.

CC was asked who he would like to strike out between Michael Jordan and LeBron James and he delivered a great response, taking a big shot at Michael Jordan for his comments and how he was always trying to trash talk other people.

CC Sabathia says he would strike out Michael Jordan over LeBron James

During a recent edition of Jalen Rose’s Renaissance Man Podcast, he asked CC his pick between the two NBA greats and he went with MJ and his capacity to piss people off without trying so hard.

“MJ for sure. Because he talks so much st. Even now, like, my shoulder’s broken I want his a** to get in the box right now and strike him out.”

Sabathia even talked about one time he was having a bad game and Jordan greeted him by asking him why he was struggling so much. That’s some classic Jordan material but CC wasn’t having any of that.

“Last time he came to one of my starts, I think I had like three or four walks, and I come out of the tunnel and … before he gave me a five, he was like ‘Why you walking so many guys?’… ‘I was like dawg I’ve seen the back of your f–king baseball card.”

This shows how competitive CC was and how annoying Jordan could be sometimes. The Chicago Bulls legend earned a reputation as one of the best trash talkers in NBA history and it looks like he never got bored of that. He even tried to bring down people from different sports. Sabathia suffered that, too, and he can’t wait to get some sort of revenge.