The Chicago Bulls made a big splash when they acquired DeMar DeRozan, and the pairing with Zach LaVine was quite promising, at least from an offensive standpoint.

But — as has happened throughout most of his career — DeRozan’s proficient bucket-getting has led to virtually no success as a team. The Bulls are stuck in a mediocrity spiral, even despite his big numbers.

With that in mind, NBA insider Tim Bontemps claimed it would be best for them to try and move him now while they still can, as he’s going to make a lot of money and isn’t getting any younger.

Bulls Should Trade DeMar DeRozan, Says Tim Bontemps

“I mean truthfully, if I was the Bulls, I’d be trying to trade DeMar DeRozan,” Bontemps said on The Hoop Collective. “As great as he has been for them, this is; I think they’re in a no-win situation here.”

I don’t want to be paying DeMar $35-$40 million a year into his late 30s,” the analyst continued. “I just don’t really know what your goal is if you’re doing that, and they’re not really going anywhere as it is. They’re just in a really tough spot. I’m not sure what the right answer is – honestly, I really don’t. I would probably try to trade him.”

The Bulls are in desperate need of a shake-up, and if they’re going to part ways with one of their stars, it might as well be the one entering the backend of his prime.