Roger Goodell, as the NFL commissioner since 2006, has presided over a complex and often polarizing era for the league. His tenure has been characterized by both achievements and controversies.

Born in 1959, Roger Goodell has been in the NFL since 2006, overseeing notable financial growth and addressing various league challenges. Of course, his management has not been entirely perfect.

Under Goodell’s leadership, the NFL has seen substantial financial growth, breaking records in terms of revenue, television contracts, and sponsorships. However, he has had several problems regarding the players’ health, becoming a huge issue for the entire league.

NFL owners make final decision regarding Roger Goodell’s continuity as commissioner

Goodell’s management has solidified the league’s status as one of the most lucrative sports organizations globally, showcasing his prowess in securing juicy deals.

However, Goodell has faced criticism for his handling of off-field issues, particularly in matters of player conduct and discipline. His strict stance on personal conduct and the imposition of hefty penalties have drawn backlash from players and led to legal battles.

Goodell’s emphasis on player safety has brought about rule changes and initiatives to address concerns like concussions. While these moves demonstrate the NFL’s commitment to the well-being of its athletes, they have not been without criticism from those who feel the game’s essence has been compromised, especially from fans.

Roger Goodell is the NFL commissioner

Nevertheless, it seems like the owners do like Goodell’s management, as they are about to extend his contract. According to reports, they have decided to keep him as the league’s commissioner until 2027 instead of 2024, when his current deal was set to finish.

The financial success that the league has had with Goodell as commissioner is reportedly the main reason why the owners decided to extend his contract. His work regarding international expansion has been incredible, leading fans across the world to get more involved in football in recent years.

Under his stewardship, the league has actively pursued global growth, hosting games in London and Mexico City. Now, it has been reported that the NFL could host a match in either Spain or Brazil in 2024 due to remodelations that the Azteca Stadium is set to go through next year.

How much money does Roger Goodell makes as the commisioner of the NFL?

According to ESPN, Roger Goodell made $63.9 million in the 2019 and 2020 seasons. It is uncertain how much will he make under this new contract, but the owners will make him a better offer to stay for longer.

One of the main detractors of Roger Goodell’s continuity is Jerry Jones, The owner of the Dallas Cowboys has said multiple times that he shouldn’t continue as the league’s commissioner, but of course, it is a decision that involves other 31 owners and majority wins.

SURVEY Is it the right decision to extend Roger Goodell's contract as the commissioner of the NFL?

Is it the right decision to extend Roger Goodell's contract as the commissioner of the NFL?
