When it comes to forcing his way out of an NBA team, James Harden has done it all. From showing up late and out of shape to publically calling his GM out, the former Houston Rockets star’s trade request bag is as deep as we’ve ever seen.

However, he’s dealing with a bit of a stubborn guy right now. GM Daryl Morey has often played the long game, and he’s not the kind of guy to be moved by some outside noise.

That’s why Harden might need to go to great lengths to successfully force his way out of the Philadelphia 76ers. And according to Ramona Shelbourne of ESPN, we haven’t seen anything yet.

James Harden Will Go The Extra Mile To Force A Trade

“This is just the beginning of what James Harden is going to do to make life very uncomfortable for the Philadelphia 76ers going into training camp, Shelbourne reported.

“The expectation with Harden, they did this with Ben Simmons where he didn’t show up to camp and left money on the table, that’s not gonna happen with James Harden,she added.

Harden reportedly won’t hold out, but he’ll try and make life hell in Philadelphia. Ironically, that’s one of the reasons why his current value in the league is as low as it’s ever been.