LeBron James put the world on notice right after losing in the Western Conference Finals. He hinted at retiring from the NBA, sounding the alarm among Los Angeles Lakers fans.

However, as much as some people thought it was the end of the line for the veteran forward, most people thought he was just talking in the heat of the moment.

That includes team owner Jeanie Buss, who recently explained how her father’s philosophy helped her keep her cool and just give her superstar player some time and space to clear his mind after being swept by the Denver Nuggets.

Jeanie Buss Didn’t Believe LeBron James Was Going To Retire

“My dad [Jerry Buss] told me many times that no decision should be made after a loss in the playoffs,” Buss told Sportskeeda. “You give yourself time and space to reflect on things and not make any decisions in those kinds of moments.”

“It was exactly how we treated LeBron – it was to give him his space and time that he needed to reflect and make his decision as to what is right for him,” continued Buss.

“Again, it was about giving him his space and letting him make his decision.But with the way he played last season, there was to me no reason for him to retire,” the owner added. “But I can’t make up his mind. He has a contract. If he does play in the NBA, he’s a Laker. That part, I knew. But you can’t force somebody to play if they don’t want to play. It was really his decision to make.”

You may or may not like Buss as a team owner, but she’s been around long enough to know a thing or two about business and NBA players. Simply put, there was no way James was going to retire at this time.