The player empowerment movement has drawn mixed takes around the NBA. Some claim it's time the players get back at the owners; some believe it's detimentral to the product and makes it boring.

That debate has been all over social media again amid Kevin Durant's shocking trade request, with some thinking it hampers his legacy, while others state that he's got the right to do whatever he wants with his career.

Needless to say, the league's official stance has to be against these kinds of movements. That's why NBA Commissioner Adam Silver claimed that they'll address these situations in talks with the NBPA.

NBA News: League Will Look To Prevent Stars From Switching Teams

"Adam Silver on Kevin Durant asking for a trade:'We don't like to see players requesting trades and we don't like to see it playing out the way it is,'" Reynolds reported. "Adam Silver says the NBA will talk to the NBPA and fix this issue of players requesting trades."

Scottie Pippen Defends Kevin Durant's Trade Request

Recently, NBA legend Scottie Pippen vowed his support for Durant. Per the six-time NBA champion, the owners have always treated the players like assets, so they also have a right to do what's best for them:

"You know, that's the game today. Players control their own destiny and not much loyalty is needed on either side of the table anymore. I'm fine with it, to be honest," Pippen said on Sirius XM radio. 

"I kind of like how the players have their freedom to change and it's what the owners have been doing to players for years," Pippen continued."So, they just even the playing field, to me. I don't feel bad for what KD is doing at all. I think it's a great move for him. You move as much as you want, in today's game. It's like, to me, playing pick-up basketball."

Maybe, the truth is somewhere in-between. Yeah, the players have every right to demand a trade and pursue a different path. But the fans also have a right to believe they're trying to win the easy way.