A couple of days ago, Dallas Cowboys QB Dak Prescott went viral, but not in a good way. He promised to throw fewer than ten interceptions in the upcoming NFL season, prompting plenty of mockery and criticism.

Prescott led the league in interceptions last season despite not even playing in all games, and taking care of the football has been a recurring issue for the former fourth-round pick.

It’s been a while since the Cowboys last made it to the Super Bowl, and having him throw fewer picks would definitely help that case. Nonetheless, Nick Eatman of the Cowboys’ PR team recently revealed that he never actually promised that.

Dak Prescott Promised He Wouldn’t Throw ‘Tipped Interceptions’

(via Cowboys)

“On July 8, Dak spoke about the picks during his annual youth camp at The Star. While there were actual reports that stated Dak made a claim to not have 10 interceptions this year, the quarterback was actually quoted in reference to ‘tipped’ interceptions. More than a few of the picks last year were a result of his receivers and tight ends failing to make the catch and ended up with an interception, including the overtime loss to the Jaguars that ended with a pick-six.

Dak said he believes having a better understanding between the quarterback and his receivers this year will cut down on interceptions overall, especially ones off deflections.

‘Do I blame those receivers, no,’ Prescott said. ‘Mike does an amazing job (with the receivers). They know where the hell to be, why to be and when they’re getting looked at. That’s going to be a big jump, I think. We won’t have those tipped interceptions this year.'”

Well, so there’s that. Maybe, he’ll throw 15 picks or more, but at least those won’t be tipped. I guess it would’ve been better if he had just let us all think that he was looking to tune down on interceptions as a whole.