The passion for soccer knows no borders, and in a World Cup, there are no language, religion or barriers that prevent the enthusiasm that the fans transmit for the stands. Each country, following a style of their own, transmits its popular fervor and support for its team.

With Qatar 2022 just around the corner, we invite you to join us on a short tour of those who appear among the most outstanding. In this gallery, we are going to review the 30 most fanatic countries in the World Cups.



Australians begin to familiarize themselves with the World Cups and with a sport that is gaining in followers (Getty Images)

Australians begin to familiarize themselves with the World Cups and with a sport that is gaining in followers (Getty Images)

The Socceroos gain more and more soccer tradition and more fervor for their team as the years go on. It is true that it is still far from what is seen in a rugby match, but these fans make themselves felt.


On their return to the World Cups, the Welsh want to show the British passion for this sport (Getty Images)

On their return to the World Cups, the Welsh want to show the British passion for this sport (Getty Images)

True to British tradition, Welsh supporters make a statement at every game they play. In any case, they are a mystery and a question to be known, to see how they behave in a World Cup, an event to which they will return after half a century.


Fervor and a lot of color in the Panamanian fans, every time they participate in a World Cup (Getty Images)

Fervor and a lot of color in the Panamanian fans, every time they participate in a World Cup (Getty Images)

With the warm tradition of the Caribbean, a lot of color, party, enthusiasm and always positive, that is how Panamanians are seen and noticed. Their absence in Qatar will be felt in the different stadiums, waiting to enjoy his presence again in four years.


Megaphones, a lot of noise and samurai headbands, among Japanese customs (Getty Images)

Megaphones, a lot of noise and samurai headbands, among Japanese customs (Getty Images)

Faithful to their traditions, with striking clothing and the attractive feature of the use of megaphones, the Japanese have also been growing by leaps and bounds in their passion for football. The samurai are sure to turn heads in Qatar.


Beyond the harsh present they are going through, the Ukrainians do not lose their passion for football (Getty Images)

Beyond the harsh present they are going through, the Ukrainians do not lose their passion for football (Getty Images)

The sad moment that the country has to go through prevents them from seeing their fans with the usual popular fervor, but the Ukrainians fought until the end for their qualification for the World Cup and, despite having been left at the door, the support for the team was felt with everything from the stands.


The poor results do not affect the popular fervor of the Paraguayan people with their team (Getty Images)

The poor results do not affect the popular fervor of the Paraguayan people with their team (Getty Images)

The Guarani fervor comes to light every time it is the turn of the Albirroja to play. It is true that sports results have not been accompanying the team too much in recent times, but beyond that, the characteristic encouragement of one of the most faithful supporters of the continent is never lacking.


Efusive and passionate, Egyptian fans want to show their fervor again at a World Cup (Getty Images)

Efusive and passionate, Egyptian fans want to show their fervor again at a World Cup (Getty Images)

One of the most boisterous in Africa, a giant of the continent, true, Egypt narrowly missed qualifying, but that didn't stop them from showing their fervor in the stadiums.

United States

More and more American fans are making themselves felt at the World Cups (Getty Images)

More and more American fans are making themselves felt at the World Cups (Getty Images)

Although there are other sports that generate greater appeal, soccer gains followers and enthusiasm among the different supporters of the North American giant. And in the World Cups, that passion is more visible, with thousands of fans who move from stadium to stadium accompanying the team.


The Spanish Fury in all its splendor every time his team plays in a World Cup (Getty Images)

The Spanish Fury in all its splendor every time his team plays in a World Cup (Getty Images)

The country's tradition for football is undeniable. And although they are not among the most passionate in Europe, when their team plays everything changes: the true Spanish fury appears, the love for their team and all the color of a great popular tide that follows them wherever they play.


Without losing their roots and customs, Iranians bring color and warmth to a World Cup (Getty Images)

Without losing their roots and customs, Iranians bring color and warmth to a World Cup (Getty Images)

The best Asian national team in World Cup qualifying excites and ignites its people. With rites and traditions that they fulfill from their clothing and their way of making themselves felt, the closeness with the organizing country will surely give Iran a boost at the tournament.


The Portuguese joy for a team that now appears among the candidates (Getty Images)

The Portuguese joy for a team that now appears among the candidates (Getty Images)

For some time, they have begun to rub shoulders with the best teams on the planet. That generated an increase in the fanaticism of their fans, which is felt every time Portugal competes in a renowned tournament. And Qatar 2022 will surely not be the exception.


Ecuador returns to a World Cup and its fans live it with great joy and passion (Getty Images)

Ecuador returns to a World Cup and its fans live it with great joy and passion (Getty Images)

The joy generated by the return of La Tri to a World Cup after eight years will travel thousands of kilometers. Ecuador is back and its fans will make themselves felt, with the particularity that the planet will be watching them when they are part of the inaugural match.

South Korea

Giant flags and a lot of color support the Korean passion every time their team plays a World Cup (Getty Images)

Giant flags and a lot of color support the Korean passion every time their team plays a World Cup (Getty Images)

South Korea fans will be increasingly loud and colorful, unleashing an arsenal of flashy and sonic chants, transforming them into yet another representative fanbase at a World Cup.


Very loud, the Swedes maintain the Viking tradition and constantly support their team (Getty Images)

Very loud, the Swedes maintain the Viking tradition and constantly support their team (Getty Images)

Viking blood runs through the veins of these fanatics. The Scandinavians do not go unnoticed in any football event. Flags and traditional hats are part of the color and folklore of a barra that make themselves felt when cheering on their team.


The color and the characters are typical of Colombians every time their team participates in a World Cup (Getty Images)

The color and the characters are typical of Colombians every time their team participates in a World Cup (Getty Images)

One of the most colorful on the planet. Although they show their fanaticism for the game, one of the Colombian characteristics is the joy and enthusiastic support for their team. With characters, musical instruments, the passion of their fans is notorious in the World Cups.


Songs, color and a lot of passion based on African customs, for fans of Senegal (Getty Images)

Songs, color and a lot of passion based on African customs, for fans of Senegal (Getty Images)

With catchy songs, lots of music and a steady beat, Senegal fans always cheer on their team. Colorful clothing for both men and women is part of this tradition that manages to win over rivals every time they appear at a World Cup.


The Poles enjoy having their team in a World Cup and they show it with a massive support (Getty Images)

The Poles enjoy having their team in a World Cup and they show it with a massive support (Getty Images)

One of the best supporters, even at times when the team was not doing so well. The characteristic scarves, a lot of color and alcohol characterize the Polish supporters who, once again, will have the chance to make themselves felt at a World Cup.

Costa Rica

The Ticos are a noisy and cheerful fanatic that accompanies their chosen team at all times (Getty Images)

The Ticos are a noisy and cheerful fanatic that accompanies their chosen team at all times (Getty Images)

Painted faces, color and unbridled passion is what motivates the Costa Rican fanatic and makes it one of the most striking in each World Cup. Their passion for this game makes them an emblem in the region and they are guides for their neighbors to follow.


The Croats live a moment of splendor with their selection and they accompany it from the stands (Getty Images)

The Croats live a moment of splendor with their selection and they accompany it from the stands (Getty Images)

The fervor and enthusiasm that are characteristic of the Balkan countries makes them one of the most impulsive fans. Different from their European neighbors, they do their best to support their team, excited about making history again in a World Cup.


Peruvians are faithful to their team and accompany it everywhere, as they demonstrated in the World Cup Qualifiers (Getty Images)

Peruvians are faithful to their team and accompany it everywhere, as they demonstrated in the World Cup Qualifiers (Getty Images)

Beyond the frustration of having been so close to qualifying for Qatar, that final match showed the fervor and passion of a people for football and their national team. The last World Cup served to express so much contained joy and with that desire they are already looking for sporting revenge.


Every time her team is presented, a lot of Belgian fans accompany her with great fervor (Getty Images)

Every time her team is presented, a lot of Belgian fans accompany her with great fervor (Getty Images)

A true red tide that continues to grow World Cup after World Cup. The growth of the team has brought it to the forefront. The Red Devils no longer go unnoticed and show the usual color in each presentation of the national team.


Chileans are fans of their team, that's why they regret not being present at the next World Cup (Getty Images)

Chileans are fans of their team, that's why they regret not being present at the next World Cup (Getty Images)

The titles and the frustrations with which Chile have been through in recent times have not appeased the passion of their fans. La Roja has faithful followers who, wielding flags and traditional songs, assert themselves in every stadium they have to step on.


The French also made themselves felt off the pitch and were essential for the last world title (Getty Images)

The French also made themselves felt off the pitch and were essential for the last world title (Getty Images)

The measured tone with which they are known in the stadiums does not prevent them from showing all their fanaticism when their team takes the field. Sheathed in flags, shirts and hats in which Blue predominates, the current world champions have strong popular support.


Fervour, passion and tradition always present in the Mexican fanatic that attends the World Cups en masse (Getty Images)

Fervour, passion and tradition always present in the Mexican fanatic that attends the World Cups en masse (Getty Images)

One of the most intense and passionate fans in the game. There are thousands and thousands in each game that El Tri plays in the World Cups. In Qatar they will make themselves felt, with their colorful and characteristic clothing, their particular shouts, the permanent illusion and their passion for this sport.


The German tradition and its permanent accompaniment in each presentation in a World Cup (Getty Images)

The German tradition and its permanent accompaniment in each presentation in a World Cup (Getty Images)

Winners on the field of play and also in the stands. Effusive supporters, of permanent encouragement for their team and who, backed by the usual color and a lot of beer, do not stop shouting at any time. In Qatar, they will be looking to turn heads, once again.


Their massive presence is a custom and, in World Cups, Brazilians display all their color and passion (Getty Images)

Their massive presence is a custom and, in World Cups, Brazilians display all their color and passion (Getty Images)

Joy and confidence are the characteristics of the Brazilian torcedor. Pleased with his teams that display great football, the fanatic does not want to be just one more in the crowd and shows their color and warmth from the stands, accompanying and encouraging a team that is always a candidate at all times.


Another of the typical "soundtracks" of the World Cups, the Italian absence will be felt in Qatar (Getty Images)

Another of the typical "soundtracks" of the World Cups, the Italian absence will be felt in Qatar (Getty Images)

Dance, shouts, color and a lot of passion in one of the most characteristic supporters of the World Cups. Two consecutive absences did not quench their fervor for the Azzurra and they will continue to make themselves felt in every game, hoping to be able to be present in four years.


La Celeste receives the constant support of its fans every time it appears in a World Cup (Getty Images)

La Celeste receives the constant support of its fans every time it appears in a World Cup (Getty Images)

The fervor of the Río de la Plata lives fully in the Uruguayan fans. Bass drums and a lot of candombe among the most traditional essences of the celestial people that are proud with each presentation of their team in a World Cup. And in Qatar 2022, they will go for more.


Pure passion of the Argentines every time their team plays and more in a World Cup (Getty Images)

Pure passion of the Argentines every time their team plays and more in a World Cup (Getty Images)

A cultural passion for Argentines. Football is part of its essence and moves feelings of daily life. They accompany and give themselves to others when the team generates wins, therefore, in Qatar there will be a multitude of fans at each presentation of the selected team.


The English are usually the loudest and most conspicuous when it comes to cheering on their team at a World Cup (Getty Images)

The English are usually the loudest and most conspicuous when it comes to cheering on their team at a World Cup (Getty Images)

The soccer cradle of this sport, also has a special and particular representation in the stands. Beyond the historical violence of hooligans, the passion of the English for football is undeniable and a positive result generates all kinds of lack of control in their fans. They will bring color and fervor to the next World Cup.