Claudio Caniggia was once a hero of the Argentine national team way back in the World Cup of Italy 90. Caniggia was a product of his time, he looked more like a rock star than a soccer player, his career would see him play for River Plate, Roma, Benfica, Boca Juniors, Rangers among others and earn 50 caps for Argentina and score 16 goals.

Caniggia scored Argentina’s historic 1-0 goal that defeated Brazil in the 90 World Cup quarterfinals. A speedy winger with a lethal goal scoring touch, Caniggia was a unique soccer player. His former wife Mariana Nannis was equally as unique and eccentric, known for her outspoken nature and almost comical snobbery, Nannis once stated that she felt Diego Maradona was turning her husband “gay” while playing at Boca Juniors, in which she disapproved of their friendship.

Their marriage, much like their lives, was out of control, the couple had three children, lived a life of huge excess, but the couple would eventually break up and have had heated words in the media towards each other.

The case against Claudio Caniggia

The events in question took place on May 6th, 2018, in the early hours in an apartment in the lavish Buenos Aires neighborhood of Puerto Madero. Mariana Nannis claims that Caniggia wanted to have sexual relations with her, she refused, and he threatened to kill her.

Caniggia, again according to the case file, hit Nannis in the face, but she had covered her face with her hands and the brunt of the punch was absorbed by her hands. Caniggia then hit her in the arms and yelled at her.

After that he continued to threaten her and eventually abused her sexually. Caniggia will now have to answer for those charges and could face up to 15 years in jail. Estranged from his children, it was reported that his son Alex tried to get close to his father after he had issues with his mother in August of this year.

Caniggia played in three World Cups for Argentina, the 1990 and 1994 tournaments at the prime of his career, after his mother committed suicide and he contemplated leaving the game, Caniggia had a career resurgence with Dundee FC in Scotland and after a failed transfer to the MetroStars of MLS in 1999, his good form with Dundee earned him a move to Rangers where he continued his good run of form, Marcelo Bielsa recalled Caniggia to the national team in a shock call up prior to the 2002 World Cup.