Although it seemed that the controversy over Marc Cucurella‘s handball in the match between Germany and Spain at Euro 2024 was behind us, Toni Kroos has once again revived the debate with some forceful statements.

Toni Kroos‘ words have reopened the debate on one of the most controversial plays of the European Championship. It should be remembered that the play was not reviewed by VAR and that Spain ended up winning the match 2-1 in extra time, eliminating Germany from the tournament.

In the episode, Kroos acknowledges that, although he did not initially want to get wet about the play, he has felt some frustration when reviewing it after the game. However, Kroos criticises the attitude of the referee and the VAR.

What did Toni Kroos say about the controversial play with Marc Cucurella?

Kroos broke the silence and, on the podcast, ‘Einfach mal luppen’ that he performs with his brother Felix. He said the following: “I was angry when I saw him after the game”. The German, however, avoids going on too long so as not to damage his image and concludes with a blunt “let’s leave it there”.

The gestures of Marc Cucurella and Toni Kroos. IMAGO / pepphoto

The gestures of Marc Cucurella and Toni Kroos. IMAGO / pepphoto

During the match, Kroos was not one of the players who most protested the referee’s decision. This is because, as he explains, “I could not assess the situation clearly. He wasn’t well placed to see that it was a pretty clear handball.”

Kroos criticizes the attitude of the referee and the VAR

“I looked at the referee. He believed that he did not need to review it and the assistant in the VAR thought the same and gave him to understand that it was not necessary to review it, that it was not a handball. I think I should have at least checked it out.” Kroos said.

And, according to the German player, the problem lies in the fact that the referee “knew that if he checked it, he had to give it. And I felt like I didn’t want to concede it in a game like that.”

Kroos’ statements rekindle the controversy over a move that could have changed the course of the European Championship for the German national team and that, without a doubt, will continue to be talked about for a long time.