The Italian soccer federation issued a decree stating that all affiliated clubs must cease to use the number 88 on their jerseys effective immediately. The No. 88 is a numerical code for “Heil Hitler”, the call sign to the World War II Nazi leader.

In March, a Lazio “fan” sported the 88 shirt with the name “Hitlerson” on the back, the supporter was banned for life of ever attending a Lazio match.

The Italian government and soccer federation have coordinated the stance with the addition of the code of ethics in accordance with the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.

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No more number 88 kits in Italy

The removal of the kit and actions by the Italian soccer federation to suspend games if racist chants are used are just some of the measures to clean up Italian soccer.

Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi stated that the actions are “an adequate and efficient response to intolerable prejudice that too often arises in our stadiums.”