The IndyCar Series is, together with Nascar, one of the most popular motorsports competitions not only in the United States, but throughout the world. And without a doubt, the most iconic race of this competition is the Indy 500, in which drivers from other categories such as Formula 1 often participate, simply for having the chance to win the emblematic and centenary race.

Undoubtedly, this is an event that no one wants to miss (and you can watch it in FuboTV-free trial-), but its realization depends on several factors, the weather being one of them. There are not a few who doubt, and not without reason, the holding of the race in rainy conditions, due to the obvious danger that driving at high speed on a wet track implies for the drivers.

For example, in Nascar, due to the high danger involved in running a race while it is raining, events are usually stopped until the rain stops or they can even be postponed and run on another day. This season it happened at the Food City Dirt Race in Bristol, where rain caused a delay of several hours, and the Race at Dover was even pushed back to the next day. But what about IndyCar?

Do Indy cars race in the rain?

The best answer to this question is: it depends. Although fortunately for IndyCar and motorsport fans, it must be said that, in general, races are not suspended due to rain, except if it is very heavy and that makes the track too wet and, therefore, dangerous. However, at the Indianapolis Grand Prix that took place on May 14 of this year there was rain and the race, although in atypical conditions, was completed.

The good news is that the weather forecast for Indianapolis on both Saturday May 28 and Sunday May 29 indicates that the sky will be partly cloudy, with a chance of rain that will be around 25%, which is excellent news considering that in the days prior to the 28th some storms are expected, which could have extended until the day of the race and caused its postponement.