Kyrie Irving has become an infamous player.He’s got one of the smoothest games the NBA has ever seen, but teams are starting to realize that he’s just not worth the trouble. At least, the Brooklyn Nets did.

The Nets tried to make things work with Kyrie over and over. But when it wasn’t the insubordination or lack of availability, his off-court antics and anti-semitic remarks put them in a tough spot.

Moreover, it became clear that Kyrie never felt an ounce of remorse for spreading hatred; he just wanted to get paid again. Eventually, the team said ‘enough is enough’ and gladly granted him his wish of being traded.

NBA News: Kyrie Irving Says Brooklyn Nets Disrespected Him

Unsurprisingly, Kyrie blamed the Nets for his shortcomings as soon as he had a mic in front of him. He claimed the franchise disrespected him, and that he wanted to be somewhere where his talents were actually appreciated:

“Spending time away from the basketball court gave me time to really appreciate life in a new way, and I just know I need healthy boundaries, especially in this entertainment business,” Kyrie said.“There’s a lot of disrespect that goes on with people’s families, with their names, and I’m just not worth it, so it’s nothing personal against any of those guys, against the front office.”

“I just know I want to be places where I’m celebrated and not just tolerated or just kind of dealt with in a way that doesn’t make me feel respected,” Irving added. “There were times throughout this process when I was in Brooklyn where I felt very disrespected and my talent… I work extremely hard at what I do.”

Ok, let’s revisit Kyrie’s history with the Nets for a second here. First, they sign him and he colludes with Kevin Durant to get Kenny Atkinson— who had led a lesser team to the playoffs— fired.

Then, as soon as they hire Steve Nash, he snubs him by stating that anybody could be a coach on the team. Shortly after, he went AWOL and kept the team in the dark, alleging personal reasons, with those reasons being a big party for his father and sister.

Irving followed that by missing nearly an entire season due to his protest againstthe Covid vaccine mandate in NYC. He came back and then claimed the team didn’t develop enough chemistry to compete at the highest level.

Kyrie later threatened to walk out, and then tried to get both Sean Marks and Nash fired, all while promoting an anti-semitic, hate-filled documentary. He refused to apologize and only posted a statement when it got to his pocket (a statement that has now been deleted, by the way).

So, we’re talking about a guy who was never fully committed to the team, who blindsided his teammate and best friend, and who did every single thing he could to make the news for the wrong reasons. Yet, it’s somehow the Nets’ fault.

This is precisely why Kyrie Irving will be out of the league sooner rather than later. He cannot be trusted, he won’t be held accountable, and he’ll bring more trouble and drama than championships. He’s just not worth it.