LeBron James' signing with the Los Angeles Lakers drew contrasting takes among fans. Some grew up hating him and rooting for Kobe Bryant, some thought he was going to take them back to the top.

Fast-forward to year 4 and LeBron's tenure in Los Angeles has been quite the roller coaster. They missed the playoffs in the first season, then won the ring in the shortened campaign, and now are in jeopardy of missing the postseason after a first-round exit in 2021.

The overall balance of their 2021-22 season has been terrible, to say the least. But there's still time to make the most of James' stay in L.A. For that, we share the 3 moves they need to make in the offseason.

NBA News: 3 Moves The Lakers Need To Do In The Offseason

3. Fire Frank Vogel

Frank Vogel - Getty Images

It's safe to say that no one was truly sold on Frank Vogel when they first hired him. Conspiracy theorists even claimed that they only signed him so they could fire him and let Jason Kidd take over, as hiring Kidd directly could've been an issue from a PR standpoint.

Those who questioned Vogel's ability to adjust, adapt and lead big-character players seem right this season. He failed to raise the team's morale and it looks like the players gave up on him long before the end of the campaign. 

2. Clean House

Dwight Howard and Wenyen Gabriel - Getty Images

The Lakers need to let Rob Pelinka work. But really work. And that means cleaning house and letting him put together a roster his way, not LeBron James' way. And all players not named Anthony Davis and maybe even Carmelo Anthony should be on the trade block.

People questioned the Lakers for hiring so many aging players this season and so far, it's been clear that it was a mistake. The roster was poorly built and they desperately crave more shooters and players who can actually push up the pace. 

1. Move On From Russell Westbrook

Russell Westbrook - Getty Images

Russell Westbrook has been the scapegoat for most of the season, which has been wrong to some degree. But even if he's not the only one to blame for the team's struggles, he was a horrible fit for the team and his confidence is just way off. He shouldn't be back next season.

Westbrook's trade value is at an all-time low right now and rightfully so, as his contract is just a huge issue. But the Lakers need to find a way to get rid of him, even if that means waiving and stretching the remainder of his salary.