It's the dawn of a new era at Levi's Stadium. Trey Lance will take over as the San Francisco 49ers starting quarterback, one of the top-tier positions in the National Football League and one that comes with high expectations.

Lance has drawn mixed reviews since entering the league. The upside was there, yet he was still quite raw. Notably, the offseason has come with even more contrasting takes, with some claiming he's far behind in his development and others raving about his improvement.

One of the latest reports stated that Lance had to take some days off after struggling with arm fatigue. That's why Niners HC Kyle Shanahan had to go on record to shut down those rumors right away.

NFL News: Kyle Shanahan Denies Reports Of Trey Lance's Arm Fatigue

"No, it's not a concern at all," Shanahan said on The TK Show. "Trey had some injuries last year when he broke his finger and stuff that he had to adjust some things to fight through and get through which made him have some weeks where he did have a sore arm and things like that."

"But, I haven't had a quarterback I've ever gone through in my career where there wasn't one time in that year where their arm wasn't bothering them," Shanahan added. "So, there's no like difference in other guys or arm fatigue or anything like that. He had a great OTAs. He's in as good of a place right now as I've been around and I just can't wait for him to start practice here in a couple days."

Lance was underwhelming in his first season, but he's still quite young and will have an elite set of weapons around him in his second campaign. So, who's right about him and his development? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

SURVEY Will Lance be a star?

Will Lance be a star?
