Staying at the highest level in the NFL is no easy task. It requires a constant level of effort and wear and tear. That’s why it was so impressive to listen about Indianapolis Colts linebacker Shaquille Leonard‘s constant trouble due to physical injuries.

To talk about Leonard is to talk about one of the most consistent elements not only of Indianapolis but of the NFL itself. Suffice it to say that since his debut season, in 2018, he has left signs of his quality, such as becoming the league’s leading tackles as a rookie.

While his ankle injuries, and a recent surgery on his back to correct neuropathic-related injuries from disc problems have been known, it had never really sunk in what Shaquille Leonard had gone through with the Indianapolis Colts since his debut.

Injuries, an ordeal for Shaquille Leonard

Looking ahead to the 2022-2023 NFL season, where he hopes to help the Colts finally make the NFL Playoffs, Shaquille Leonard opened his heart to talk about the high price he has paid for being an elite player despite his constant injuries, a subject on which Indianapolis GM Chris Ballard has said he has been dealing with since 2019.

They said ’19? I would say ’18. If you think about 2018, Week 4 against Houston, I rolled an ankle and sat out Week 5 against the Patriots and came back against the Jets, and you notice I’ve had it taped up ever since. So, it’s been a minute since I’ve felt the way I feel now. It’s a good feeling but it’s still a process. I’m not saying I’m ready to go right now. I’m still trying to figure stuff out. But I am feeling better. So that’s the main thing.” stated Leonard according to ESPN’s Stephen Holder.

It appears that the delicate surgery he underwent to alleviate his ankle discomfort may well be the starting point for Shaquille Leonard to finally become completely injury-free. If this is the case, be prepared, as his performance with the Indianapolis Colts could surprise the NFL and all its fans even more.