France were one of the main favorites to win this edition of the Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup, just as they did four years ago in Russia. However, in the final they found themselves against a tough team from Argentina, who ended up taking away their illusion. Here we tell you how many finals the French have lost in history and why penalties are a nightmare for them.

France had just made a truly excellent World Cup in Russia 2018. Despite having some important absences, the team proved to be quite solid and played at the same level as four years before during Qatar 2022. They won all their games (except against Tunisia, although that day they played with substitutes), and his candidacy was stronger.

However, in the final they were outclassed for 75 minutes by the Argentines who were far superior. They trailed 2-0, but a great reaction allowed them to level the game and take it to extra time. The Argentines again took the lead, and once the Europeans tied. Finally, everything was defined in penalties, where the South Americans obtained the third title in their history.

The finals lost by France and penalties as a common factor

The French team reached a total of 4 finals in their history. Two of them won: France 1998 and Russia 2018. And of course the other two were defeats. The first was in Germany 2006, which they lost to Italy; and the second, that of Qatar 2022 that they lost to Argentina.

Both times, the French team lost on penalties. In other words, they have never lost a final in regulation or extra time, but in any case, penalties seem to be their biggest nightmare.