Cristiano Ronaldo has made his way to the top not only due to an amazing talent but also because of an inspiring work ethic, which has allowed him to continue to performat the highest level.

It is well known that the Portuguese star follows a strict diet and a rigorous workout plan, besides other special treatments tohelp his body recover faster and therefore be able to continue defying Father Time.

That’s why, even at 37, Ronaldo looks like the same player we’ve seen over the last decade. He may have left Manchester United for Real Madrid at 24buthe usually makes us forget that it’s been 12 years since that happened. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that he is – by far the most valuable player aged 37 and older according to Transfermarkt.

Cristiano Ronaldo isthe most valuable player aged 37 and older,per Transfermarkt

The website specialized on the transfer market may have not pleased Ronaldo a few years back with his valuation during his time at Juventus. However, he should take pride of their latest ranking.

On February 5, Transfermarkt revealed the top 10most valuable players aged 37 and older to celebrate Ronaldo’s birthday. Unsurprisingly, he is atop that list – but there’s a huge difference with the rest.

The second place went to Zlatan Ibrahimovic, whocontinues extending his legacy at AC Milan at 40.But the Swedish legend’s market value is €4 million, while Ronaldo is on first place with €35 million. Here, take a look at the top 10:

1- Cristiano Ronaldo (37 years old, €35 million)

2- Zlatan Ibrahimovic (40 years old, €4million)

3- Thiago Silva (37 years old, €2.5 million)

4- Samir Handanovic (37 years old, €2.5 million)

5- Andrés Iniesta (37 years old, €2million)

6- Luis Miguel Rodríguez (37 years old, €1.5 million)

7- Giorgio Chiellini (37 years old, €1.5 million)

8- Joaquín (40 years old, €1.5 million)

9- Leandro Burián (38 years old, €1.1 million)

10- Carlos Sánchez (37 años, €1 million)