The exact number of countries participating in the 2020 Summer Paralympics in Tokyo is 163 nations in total. Most countries send an average of 2 athletes to this special edition of the Olympic Games. First world countries are expected to send the most athletes.
Most countries participating in the Paralympics had the same representation in the 2020 Summer Olympics in July 2021. Some nations obtain more medals with Paralympic athletes than with others. The money prizes that athletes receive at the Paralympics games (paid by their nations)are equal to their counterparts.
The most dominant country in past editions of the Paralympics is the United States, they were dominant between 1964 and 1996. But other countries such as China, Italy, West Germany, and Australia were also prominent nations in the Paralympics medals rankings.
List of the 163countries attending the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics:
Algeria | Greece | North Macedonia |
Angola | Grenada | Norway |
Argentina | Guatemala | Oman |
Armenia | Guinea | Pakistan |
Aruba | Guinea-Bissau | Palestine |
Australia | Guyana | Panama |
Austria | Haiti | Papua New Guinea |
Azerbaijan | Honduras | Paraguay |
Bahrain | Hong Kong | Peru |
Barbados | Hungary | Philippines |
Belarus | Iceland | Poland |
Belgium | India | Portugal |
Benin | Indonesia | Puerto Rico |
Bermuda | Iran | Qatar |
Bhutan | Iraq | Refugee Paralympic Team |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Ireland | Republic of the Congo |
Botswana | Israel | Romania |
Brazil | Italy | Russian Paralympic Committee (RPC) |
Brunei | Ivory Coast | Rwanda |
Bulgaria | Jamaica | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Burkina Faso | Japan | São Tomé and Príncipe |
Burundi | Jordan | Saudi Arabia |
Cambodia | Kazakhstan | Senegal |
Cameroon | Kenya | Serbia |
Canada | Kuwait | Sierra Leone |
Cape Verde | Kyrgyzstan | Singapore |
Central African Republic | Laos | Slovakia |
Chile | Latvia | Slovenia |
China | Lebanon | Solomon Islands |
Chinese Taipei | Lesotho | Somalia |
Colombia | Liberia | South Africa |
Costa Rica | Libya | South Korea |
Croatia | Lithuania | Spain |
Cuba | Luxembourg | Sri Lanka |
Cyprus | Madagascar | Sweden |
Czech Republic | Malawi | Switzerland |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Malaysia | Syria |
Denmark | Maldives | Tajikistan |
Dominican Republic | Mali | Tanzania |
Ecuador | Malta | Thailand |
Egypt | Mauritius | Togo |
El Salvador | Mexico | Tunisia |
Estonia | Moldova | Turkey |
Ethiopia | Mongolia | Uganda |
Faroe Islands | Montenegro | Ukraine |
Fiji | Morocco | United Arab Emirates |
Finland | Mozambique | United States |
France | Namibia | Uruguay |
Gabon | Nepal | Uzbekistan |
The Gambia | Netherlands | Venezuela |
Georgia | New Zealand | Vietnam |
Germany | Nicaragua | Virgin Islands |
Ghana | Niger | Yemen |
Great Britain | Nigeria | Zambia |
This edition of the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics will be available on television, internet for everyone just like the previous edition of the 2020 Summer Olympics. The broadcasting times will be the same as in the last edition, with the advantage that some events will be available on the internet recorded to watch later.