The Golden State Warriors have set the standard for success in the NBA recently. They've won four rings in an eight-year span with six trips to the NBA Finals. That hadn't happened since the Shaq and Kobe Lakers days.

Needless to say, plenty of that has had to do with Stephen Curry. He's been the centerpiece of the franchise on and off the court, and while his supporting cast has also stepped up big time, there's no denying that the Dubs have been his team for over a decade now.

But Curry's impact has gone way beyond the basketball court. His lack of ego even helped them recruit Kevin Durant and become a dynasty, which is why GM Bob Myers and coach Steve Kerr believe he's the actual secret behind their success.

Steve Kerr Says Stephen Curry Is The Reason Behind The Warriors' Success

"It's because of Steph Curry," Kerr said when asked about the Warriors' success. "There are other factors for sure. I think you and I, there's a reason why we are in each of our jobs. I think we're capable of being self-aware to say exactly what you just said about how vulnerable we are and how this relationship is built to fail. It just is."

"But when you have Steph Curry as the centerpiece of your organization, someone who embodies every value that you want to espouse. Someone who allows these relationships to flourish day in and day out, win or lose. It just impacts everything," Kerr explained. "I think Steph has kept this thing afloat because of the power of his own humanity and who he is on top of how great of a player he is. The stability he brings it reminds me a lot of Tim Duncan in San Antonio. When you have that guy, it makes your job and my job that much easier."

We all know Steph Curry is a legendary basketball player. But to have your coach speak so highly of your values and you as a human being might as well be the ultimate praise any athlete could ever get.