It's been over six months since WNBA star Brittney Griner was detained at Sheremetyevo International Airport in Khimki. She was flying back to Russia to play during the WNBA's off-season and was accused of smuggling drugs into the country.

Griner reportedly had hashish oil in her vape cartridges, which is a prohibited substance on Russian soil. She eventually pled guilty to those charges and now faces up to nine years in prison. 

The American sports community and POTUS Joe Biden have expressed their concerns and solidarity about the situation but to no avail. That's why Dennis Rodman decided to take matters into his own hands and intervene.

Dennis Rodman Vows To Help Brittney Griner; White House Isn't So Sure

Rodman reportedly has a close relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He was in Russia back in 2014, and they've kept in touch ever since, so he believes he can help smoothen the situation:

"I got permission to go to Russia to help that girl," Rodman told NBC News. "I'm trying to go this week."

However, Reuters reports that multiple White House officers aren't so sure about Rodman's plans. While he most definitely means well, we're talking about a complicated matter that could take multiple turns if not handled carefully:

"The White House has a dim view of former American pro basketball player Dennis Rodman's reported plan to travel to Russia and gain the release of American basketball star Brittney Griner, a source familiar with the matter said on Monday," read the report.

"A senior administration official, who asked to remain anonymous, made clear the White House does not approve," the report continued.

"'It is public information that the administration has made a significant offer to the Russians and anything other than negotiating further through the established channel is likely to complicate and hinder release efforts,' the official said."

"The official also noted the State Department has issued a travel advisory warning Americans not to travel to Russia," the report concluded.

We know Dennis Rodman isn't like most people. I mean, he's even friends with Kim Jong-un, and he may not be the shadiest guy in his black book. Hopefully, he knows what he's doing, and Griner will finally be back home.