Patrice Evra is not one to keep his opinions to himself, he lays it all out on the line and the former Manchester United player did not hold back on the current French national team members who alienated Real Madrid striker Karim Benzema. The French star was not allowed to enter the World Cup squad because of a coaching decision by Didier Deschamps, despite returning from an injury.

Evra stated on Instagram that, “I have the impression that Karim bothered a lot of people,” when referring to the presence Benzema has on the squad. Evra continued by stating, “You as players should be going to war for another player – the doctor said he would be out for only three weeks.”

Evra went as far as to make the biggest point many pundits and fans pointed out, “We have the Ballon d'Or in our team. If I was still there, we would even have waited for Karim before eating. I didn't see anyone fight for him. I love you my brother.”

Patrice Evra on Karim Benzema being left out of France

Evra continued to pull no punches as he spoke directly to the players of the World Cup squad, “You told Karim to do his business, you players are making the same mistake as the 98′ world champions who thought that the French national team belonged to them. The French national team belongs to everyone.”


Karim Benzema (Getty Images)

Karim Benzema (Getty Images)

Benzema had played a friendly for Real Madrid on December 15th, starting rumors that he could be ready for the final against Argentina, this was dismissed by coach Didier Deschamps who went with the squad he had at hand.