Manchester United‘s stalwart defender, Harry Maguire, will be notably absent from the England national team lineup for upcoming fixtures. The decision to exclude Maguire from the squad is what we will try to explain here.

Despite facing scrutiny within his current team, Manchester United, including calls from many fans for his early departure, Harry Maguire has remained a consistent presence in recent years in England’s national team, establishing himself as a defensive stalwart.

Hence, it comes as a surprise to see his absence from a tournament as significant as the Euro, where England stands as one of the main contenders. This omission becomes even more perplexing considering Maguire’s consistent involvement throughout the qualification process for the tournament.

Maguire out of Euro 2024

The reason for Harry Maguire‘s absence is the injury he suffered in his calf, from which he cannot recover in the best way. That is why it was finally decided to leave him out, even though many were counting on him to lead England’s defense.

“Despite my best efforts, I have not been able to overcome an injury to my calf. Maybe I pushed myself too hard, to try and make it. Simply, I am absolutely gutted,” Maguire posted on his social networks regretting his absence for England in this Euro 2024.