Mac Jones did better than predicted in his rookie NFL season, leading the Patriots back to the playoffs for the first time in the post-Tom Brady era. Now, however, it's believed that Bill Belichick wants a change at quarterback.

Mike Florio reported Tuesday New England shopped Jones to multiple teams this offseason, something that gave a lot to talk about in the football community. Why would Belichick suddenly give up on him? Is it because he regressed in 2022?

Jones' second year didn't go to plan, but it wasn't so bad that it should cost him the job. So what is it, then? NFL insider Chris Simms revealed Jones did something last season that reportedly angered Belichick.

Rumor: Mac Jones angered Bill Belichick by seeking help behind his back

Simms reported in January that Belichick found out Jones seeked outside help amid the Patriots' offensive struggles and didn't take it lightly. This week, Simms revealed that external advice Jones was looking for was from his Alabama coaches. 

“Of course Mac Jones must have been frustrated, and that’s what I heard,” Simms said on ProFootballTalk, via Patriots Wire. I think I said that early in the season, that he had called Alabama and certain coaches saying, ‘Hey, can you give some ideas to our coaches.’

"Well, I mean, come on. All of us who pay attention to football—how do you think that’s going to go over with New England people if they heard that was happening, right? …I’m sure he was frustrated, but I don’t know if calling Alabama, where the head coach is an ex-assistant of your head coach—it’s going to get back. That’s where he went wrong.

If true, one can understand Belichick. Of course, it must have been frustrating for Jones to play with such a struggling offense week after week, so maybe he was just trying to turn things around. But going behind the boss's back is not the best way to do so. However, we should take all of this — including the rumors of Jones being — with a grain of salt. Only time will tell whether the Patriots are moving on from Jones.