Bill Belichick has made it quite clear over the past couple of decades that he couldn’t care less about what people say or think about him or whatever he does. I mean, he’s earned that right after 2 decades dominating the NFL with the New England Patriots.

Belichick only cares about one thing and one thing only, and that’s winning football games. He’s a pragmatic guy with a never-ending drive for competing at the highest level, and clearly has never been up to date with the trends or fashion.

That’s why people lost their minds when they saw the Patriots’ lifelong head coach attending his press conference using a ripped shirt that looked either like it’s been in the family for 25 years or that Cam Newton and Russell Westbrook gave him fashion advice.

Bill, on typical Bill Belichick fashion, looked unfazed, careless, and completely focused on getting that press conference out of the way as soon as possible so he could get back to planning ahead of this Sunday’s matchup vs the Oakland Raiders.

Needless to say, the pics and videos of Belichick rocking his ripped shirt in the press conference flooded the internet in the blink of an eye and here, we’ll show you some of the funniest memes and reactions about it.

Bill Belichick’s Press Conference Makes Twitter Go Crazy: Funniest Memes And Reactions

Bill Belichick has said in the past that he doesn’t even have social media accounts and you can tell he’s not lying. But even if he were, do you really think he’s going to bat an eye about some millennials making jokes?

Belichick is perhaps the greatest football mastermind of all time and has a strong shot at becoming the winningest head coach in the history of football. So yeah, maybe he doesn’t have enough time to think about his apparel.

SURVEY Is Belichick the greatest head coach of all time?

Is Belichick the greatest head coach of all time?
