Things in the NBA can change in the blink of an eye. Especially when the trade deadline looms around. If not, look at the Brooklyn Nets. In just a matter of days, they lost both Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant.

With the controversial guard leaving for the Dallas Mavericks, there was nothing left for KD in Brooklyn. The Suns didn't lost any second, pulling off a blockbuster deal to bring the veteran star to Phoenix.

Durant's addition certainly makes the Suns a legit contender, but many wonder whether he can coexist next to other stars like Chris Paul, Devin Booker, and Deandre Ayton. According to D Book, that will not be a problem.

Devin Booker says Kevin Durant's addition will not create power issues at Suns

"We don't have no hierarchy," Booker said, via Remy Mastey of Sports Illustrated. "That's the thing about it. You have Chris Paul, one of the greatest leaders of all time. You have coach Monty [Williams], you have [general manager] James Jones. We have guys that are all on the same plan — I think we all have different type of leading styles, which is the great thing about leadership is it comes in many different forms. And I think all of our games, and our mindsets, complement each other very well.

"Once you get a taste of Finals experience and having that under your belt, that's all that you want," Booker added. "We have one goal; we know it's not going to be easy to get there, but we feel we have the talent, we have the mindset and everything it takes right here in this gym."

Paul and Booker might be glad the team added a player of Durant's caliber. They've been strong enough to take the Suns to deep playoff runs, but they lack the championship experience KD has. Therefore, this could be the missing piece for a team with serious title aspirations.