The Golden State Warriors are, despite the results obtained so far, one of the main candidates to win the ring of champions this season. This favoritism has to do with the fact that they have one of the best players in the league: Stephen Curry, who, however, will be absent from his team. Here we tell you for how long.

This has been a difficult season for the Golden State Warriors. As the last champions, and after retaining most of their best players, the San Francisco team was expected to fight for the first places in the Conference, something that has not happened so far.

Although they have been in Playoff positions during some moments of the regular season, the truth is that they have mostly been in Play-in positions. The objective is to be at least among the best 6, and for this they would need all their stars.

When would Stephen Curry return?

Although the Golden State Warriors organization seeks to be cautious and see how the player evolves, there is a tentative date for the return of Stephen Curry. The same would be after the All Star Game, specifically on Thursday, February 23.