• Bronny James declared for the NBA Draft.
  • He could still go back to college.
  • He doesn’t want to be taken because of his father.

If you’ve followed LeBron James’ NBA career, you’ve literally witnessed Bronny James’ entire life. Well, get ready to feel old, as that young kid is about to become a professional.

Bronny has made a great impression during the NBA Draft Combine. And while he’s still not seen as a first-round talent, chances are he’s going to be taken in the next edition of the draft.

That leaves the door open for LeBron to fulfill his lifelong dream of teaming up with him on the court. However, as cool as that would be, it’s just not at the top of Bronny’s priority list right now.

Bronny Wants To Walk His Own Path

“My dream has always just been to put my name out, make a name for myself, and, of course, get to the NBA,” he told the media. “Which is what everyone’s end goal is here. I’ve never thought about playing with my dad, but of course, he’s brought it up a couple of times.”

Bronny James

Bronny James

Even so, James doesn’t want any team to get him just because of his old man. If anything, he doesn’t even think any General Manager or respected executive would allow that to happen.

He Doesn’t Want A Team To Take Him Because Of His Father

“This is a serious business, and I don’t feel like there would be a thought of ‘I’m just drafting this kid just because I’m going to get his dad,’” he said. “I don’t think a GM would really allow that. I’ve never really thought about that. I’ve put in the work and I would get drafted because of not only the player but the person that I am.”

At the end of the day, it’s impossible not to consider LeBron when taking Bronny, and even though he won’t say it, whoever gets him will also have a chance to get The King; that’s just a fact.

But at the end of the day, it’s not about where you’re taken or your path to the league. Bronny will have to put in the work just like everybody else if he wants to make it in the pros.

SURVEY Will Bronny be a star?

Will Bronny be a star?