Shaquille O'Neal is one of the most popular athletes of all time. From his playing days in the NBA to his usual cameos on movies and television, there aren't many people on Earth who don't know his name and his face.

Shaq has made a living out of endorsing thousands of products throughout the year. He's quite a successful businessman and has done even more money off the court than what he achieved on it.

However, his style has never been for everybody. If you don't take our word for it, just ask Dennis Rodman, who recently called him out for not being selective with the products he tries to sell.

Dennis Rodman Rips Shaquille O'Neal: He 'Wh*res Himself Out'

(Transcript via Basketball Network)

"Some people wonder why companies would want someone as controversial as I am to pitch their products. I'll tell you why and everyone knows it. Consumers aren't total idiots. They can see right through someone like Shaquille O'Neal, who not only wh*res himself out to a million sponsors but acts like a damn fool. You'll see Shaq being interviewed on live TV and he'll say something like he just wants to be young, have fun, and drink Pepsi. Uh, yeah. No one could possibly believe that's what he really feels; it's such an obvious load of crap. He might as well dress up like a Pepsi can when he plays. No one should want to sell a product that bad. IT'S PATHETIC."

He further added, "When I pitch, I have to do it my way. As long as a product serves a legitimate function and doesn't take its sh*t too seriously, I'm willing to help sell it"

Rodman concluded, "The whole idea of lending your name to some corporate cause is bizarre. It's tempting to take some of these offers because the money is just so easy. This was especially true early in my career, before my salary was so high. It's easy now for me to be selective; back then it was damn hard not to jump at any opportunity. Luckily, I didn't have many offers until I started getting freaky, so the temptations pretty much weren't there. I am proud that I never sold out and never kissed any a**. But it's always a fine line when it comes to people selling your name."


At the end of the day, Shaq does what he feels it's best for him and his brand, and it's definitely worked thus far. But hey, Rodman will always speak his mind, and it's not like he doesn't have a valid point as well.