For years,NBA fans have wondered just how good James Harden could be if he put his career first and foremost. Even when he was an MVP candidate with the Houston Rockets, it seemed like basketball wasn’t his No. 1 priority.

That was again on full display last season. He seemed more motivated than ever in the offseason, but had to take a day off to go party in Las Vegas right in the middle of the playoffs.

Ironically, Gilbert Arenas believes he needs to go to Florida and join the Miami Heat to be at his best, as Pat Riley won’t tolerate his shenanigans and will make him focus on his career.

Gilbert Arenas Says James Harden Needs Pat Riley To Be At His Best

Miami,” Arenas said. “Do you know who Pat Riley is? Pat had Magic, and he had LeBron James and D-Wade– With Pat Riley, he [Harden] has no choice [but to buy into that culture].”

“They had Shaquille O’Neal, they had Gary Payton, they had Antoine Walker. They clubbed so much they built a barbershop inside the strip club,” continued Arenas. “And a basketball court. Before they won that championship ring, that’s what they did. He broke them.”

Well, Arenas has always been known for thinking outside of the box, and this is definitely an interesting take, but it makes sense. Now, whether they’ll get it done is a whole different story.