Los Angeles Lakers superstar LeBron James and his family went through a massive scare on Tuesday. Bronny — his older son — suffered a cardiac arrest during practice at USC.

Fortunately, Bronny wasn’t on his own and could be rushed to the hospital, where he was taken to the ICU. He’s now reportedly out of danger and in stable condition.

According to a report by British outlet the Daily Mail, the four-time NBA champion is ‘scared and devastated’ over his son’s incident. Moreover, his dreams of making it to the NBA might be over.

Report: Bronny’s Career Could Be Over

(via The Daily Mail)

“LeBron James is ‘scared and devastated’ following his son Bronny’s cardiac arrest during USC practice, friends have revealed.

LeBron is ‘making sure he gets the best care possible’ and has entered ‘full Dad mode and is protecting his son in any way he can,‘ a source told DailyMail.com.

Cardiologists have warned that Bronny’s career – which was only just beginning following his high school graduation – could already be over.

Dr Christopher Tanayan told DailyMail.com: ‘If they find something that puts him at a high risk for sudden death then that … may make or break his career.’

Obviously, basketball might be the last thing on their minds right now. Bronny’s health should go first and foremost, and all that matters is that he gets back to full health.