Sometimes it seems like some New England Patriots’ games are always stained by a couple of controversial calls. This time, however, it went in favor of Patrick Mahomes and the Kansas City Chiefs.

A lot of people called out the reigning Super Bowl MVP for allegedly flopping to get an unnecessary roughness call that eventually led to a touchdown to put the Chiefs up 19-10 late in the game.

However, the most controversial play of the game happened early in the matchup whenShilique Calhoun intercepted Patrick Mahomes and the play was called off by the referees.

NFL Referee Tony Corrente Explains Why He Called Off That Controversial Play

Needless to say, the people had a lot to say about this botched play, so NFL official Tony Corrente had to explain exactly what happened, claiming that he felt as Mahomes’ safety was in jeopardy.

I felt that he was being controlled quite a bit prior to him actually going to the ground,” Corrente said. “And as he was being controlled, other players were coming in at him, and so with those other players bearing down on him, a quarterback is considered in the grasp and his forward progress is considered stopped when I feel as though the player’s safety is being jeopardized. And that was the case in this instance. So, rather than allow him to get hit by a second and third player, we shut it down and considered it forward progress,” he concluded.

Corrente Says The Patriots Couldn’t Even Challenge The Play

Moreover, when asked whether coach Bill Belichick could challenge the play, he responded that he didn’t even stand a chance because the play was stopped prior to the change of possession:

“No, because the play was shut down and stopped prior to the fumble occurring, or prior to him losing control of the football. There was no reviewable aspect of that play,” the official added in the report.

These kinds of things happen. Mahomes is the new face of the NFL so, obviously, they’re going to do whatever it takes to protect him from getting hurt. As for the play should or shouldn’t have been called off, you’ll be the judge.

SURVEY What do you think about the play?

What do you think about the play?

The Ref was right
The ref blew it