The NFL is in constant evolution, and since Roger Goodell took over as Commissioner, he has dedicated his efforts to creating a better league. Now, he is poised to make a huge decision that will change everything as we know it today.

Roger Goodell has been at the helm of the NFL for 18 years, having taken over from Paul Tagliabue, who retired on August 8, 2006. Since then, he has brought a lot of attention to the league.

Throughout his tenure, Goodell has prioritized player safety and enhancing the league’s appeal. However, his upcoming decision is controversial and has some players feeling uneasy.

NFL is ready to approve an 18-game season schedule

In recent years, the idea of an 18-game regular season schedule has gained traction. According to reports, Roger Goodell is actively pushing this plan to make it happen soon, and it might be closer than everyone thinks.

NFLPA executive director Lloyd Howell recently met with the Washington Post to discuss this matter. He revealed that, while negotiations have not yet started, the league is very interested in implementing an 18-game schedule soon.

“We have talked at a very, very, very high level superficially, with a recognition … about, ‘Yeah, this is something that we should be talking about. And we should really kick the tires and understand what else goes into that decision-making process,'” Howell said. Where does the 18th game come from? I think the foregone conclusion is well, you just grab it, like, in what would otherwise be [preseason games] in August. You play it forward. But these are details that really need to be fleshed out. But, again, there are other economic, health and safety matters that also need to be clear to our members before there’s ever an agreement about an 18th game.”

The last part that Howell mentions is very important. The NFLPA is keen on the safety of the players, and adding one more game to the schedule could increase injuries and jeopardize their entire careers.

Joe Burrow has approved the idea of an 18-game regular season

Joe Burrow has approved the idea of an 18-game regular season

Joe Burrow, quarterback of the Cincinnati Bengals, has already voiced his support for this new schedule. He believes that the NFL could take a break around Week 13 for the Pro Bowl, allowing all players to rest and return for the final games in better health.

“I think you all know in the last CBA negotiation, 17 [games] wasn’t a pro forma decision,” Howell added. “Many of our members felt very strongly about the … support or the not-support of that. And actually, whether the CBA ultimately got approved or not kind of hung on that. So the other reason I was excited Roger [Goodell] put it out there is we can start that discussion now. We don’t have to wait until the week before a vote or even a year before a vote.”

NFL: When will the 18-game schedule be ready?

Howell’s words revealed that, while the conversations have just started, the league is very interested in adding one more game to its schedule. This change would draw more attention to the NFL, translating into increased revenue.

According to reports, the league is targeting this change for the 2025 season, though it might not be implemented until 2026. The timing will depend on the agreement between the NFL and the players.

SURVEY Do you agree with the change to an 18-game season schedule?

Do you agree with the change to an 18-game season schedule?