Sergio Ramos has become a trending topic on social media after allegedly refusing to sign a Real Madrid jersey for a fan in Sevilla. In the images, the defender can be seen autographing a PSG shirt, but when asked to do the same with the Spanish team uniform, he declines.

This was the message from the person who posted the video on X. “Can someone explain why Sergio Ramos refuses to sign the Real Madrid jersey?” As expected, the reaction from Real Madrid fans was immediate, considering that Ramos is a legend of the club.

Therefore, upon realizing the controversy, Sergio Ramos clarified that the video is completely out of context and that the person who asked for the autograph actually intended to auction several jerseys.

That was the reason why he declined. “Before that moment, I had already signed about 6 Real Madrid jerseys for him. Later, there are people who auction them or sell them on the Internet.”

Did Sergio Ramos refuse to sign a Real Madrid jersey?

No. Sergio Ramos’s clarification indicates that the person asking him for autographs had done so with several jerseys. Therefore, there is no resentment from the current Sevilla player towards his former team.

In 2021, after 16 seasons with Real Madrid, Sergio Ramos decided to sign with PSG to join a team of stars led by Lionel Messi, Kylian Mbappe, and Neymar. Many fans never forgave him.

Therefore, the recent controversy, sparked by an account in X which supposedly supports Real Madrid, has become another example. Currently, the defender plays for Sevilla, the team in which he made his professional debut.